Log Homes and Log Shells

      Build Your Dream Home Today!!                                                                       We specialize in log home shell packages !!                                                              Call 613-359-5948 for more information!






  Building in Canada and Eastern Ontario, Sean Price from Lakeside Log Homes

   urges you to view this nostalgic abode, the log home. In this  modern age we  live in, the log home has   

    become one of the most beautiful and energy efficient homes available today with a  tolerance to

    the elements, and a quiet relaxing atmosphere that is like no other.  Lakeside  provides quality

    structures to the customers' personal specifications.  Our 8" (inch)  / 12" (inch)  tongue and groove logs are

    available in 24' (foot)  lengths with Dovetail Corners.& available square timber up  Floor Joist  Systems, King

     Trusses & Perlins.

Sean Price, Custom Log Homes

Exterior | Interior | Furniture  

 CarvingsContact Us 

 Information on Log Homes






Furniture & Chainsaw Carvings


Sean Price, Lakeside Log Homes  Custom Built Log Homes

The answer is illustrated with the question, "how much does a car cost?" The cost of a log home depends upon the wood specie; the quality, size and shape of the logs; the quality of manufacture; the type of design; and many other factors, including log cathedral ceilings, porches and stairs. There are as many price ranges as there are makes and models of cars.


  Log Homes

Yes! For example, an 8" diameter machined log home will cost a little more than a conventionally built 2" X 6" wall home, but the log home will contain more than eight times the amount of wood in the walls.

For an "average" home the log package cost is about 20 percent of the total "turn-key" cost. If the turn-key cost in your area is $125/200 dollars/sq.ft. The weather-tight package is about 25 percent of the turn-key cost. All other materials to finish and furnish are about 25 percent, with labor about 30 percent.


  $ $ $

If you can afford to build a conventional home your can afford to build a log home. Properly built, a log home will be considerably more energy efficient. For More Info click here




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Other Services We Provide

Lakeside Log Homes also provides a furniture service. Our pieces are designed to fit all your garden furniture needs. Also we have Chainsaw carvings available, decorate your landscape with a touch of history from a lost art.


To view  our  furniture.

Click Here

To view our Chainsaw Carvings

Click Here


To Contact Lakeside Homes

Mail To: Lakeside Log Homes 1758,  Hwy #15,  Elgin, Ontario, Canada K0G-1E0

Tel#: 613-359-5948

Fax#: 613-359-6105


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